Friday, February 06, 2009

I Was Doing So Well...

I had a whole basic schedule lined up-certain topics for certain days, specific posts waiting to be edited... and then I got a facebook. ('Hi, my name is Marie, and I'm a facebook adict')

Its supposed to be a database that keeps people connected with friends and things like that, right? Well, I have another name for it:

Time Eater.

My Goodness! I get on, thinking I'll just see if anyone updated anything, and get off. (I should know better, right?) Usually its the Pieces of Flair that get me sidetracked, but pictures and notes have succeed at it as well.

I get on for 'just a second or two' and the next thing I know its almost time for supper. Let me tell you, homework is not fun to do in the evening when everyone else is goofing off...

I hope this fades away, and that I'll be able to mannage my coputer time in a more responsible manner. If you're in a 'been there, done that' situation, would you mind giving me some advice? If you're in the same boat, maybe we could swap ideas. Anything helps right now...

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