Anne of Avonlea is about Anne growing up more from where we left of in Anne of Green Gables. In this story, she meets new neighbors, become Avonlea's school ma'am, is the secretary of Avonlea's Improvement Society, befriends people others have almost forgotten about, helps raise a set of twins, whips a boy though she thought she never would, still has as avid an imagination as ever, and gets into plenty of scrapes. She sells a cow that does not belong to her, dyes her nose red, falls through a roof, and ever so much more! Read the book to meet Davy, Dora, Mr. Harrison, Paul Irving, Miss Lavender Lewis, Leonora ( more commonly known as Charlotta the fourth), and several other characters Anne meets throughout the story as we are along for the ride while Anne goes from 16 to an 18 year-old college bound young lady.
Personally, I was quite disappointed to find that the Listening Library does not carry Anne of the Island, the next book, nor does my campus library. Therefore, to find out what happens next, I must attempt to understand how this inter-library loan system works here... and I will, because although the loose ends are tied at the end, Montgomery succeeds in sparking the imagination about what will happen in the next book... Enjoy!
glad you got to this. I love all the anne books with a mighty passion.
A mighty passion. Hmm. Think about it. ;)
Noel: I have Anne of the Island on hold, and I cannot wait :D
Maggie: I have NO idea what you are talking about....
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