Saturday, August 01, 2009


Found this over at Library Hospital...

Preferences, what do I prefer?

Reading something frivolous? Or something serious? hmmm... serious....

Paperbacks? Or hardcovers? paperbacks :)

Fiction? Or Nonfiction? Both.

fine, I'll choose. Fiction. Sometimes nonfiction just makes me think too much...

Poetry? Or Prose? have I ever mentioned I very much dislike make choices and desisions? I think prose beats poetry by a very slight margin...

Biographies? Or Autobiographies? An autobiography, if its available. I think it would be interesting to see what that person thought was important in their life.

History? Or Historical Fiction? historical fiction! Its just a bit educational, very much 'real life', yet it never really happened. I love historical fiction... I havn't read any in a while, have I...

Series? Or Stand-alones? stand alones. though I don't mind a series as long as I know its a series before I start it. I don't like finding out once I get to the last page that the story is only a third or so over....

Classics? Or best-sellers? Classics. Dont even get me started about 'best-sellers'

Lurid, fruity prose? Or straight-forward, basic prose? ug. do I have to decide??? Really, I think it depends on the story, the plot, the characters... it has to make sense all together, am *I* making sense?

Plots? Or Stream-of-Consciousness? I much prefer a plot. I've only read one stream-of-consciousness, and thoroughly disliked the book.

Long books? Or Short? sigh. this really isn't fair. I am so indecisive!!! I choose short. long books sometimes end up being l.o.n.g.

Illustrated? Or Non-illustrated? non

Borrowed? Or Owned? Borrowed. I love the library :) I will buy a few books if I truly enjoyed them, and know I will read and re-read...

New? Or Used? New! Although it is hard to read them at first with the pages being so stiff, I much prefer that to old paper that makes my hands feel dry.

I challenge YOU to go through this list, post your own, and leave a comment with a link. I can't wait to read your answers, and hopefully you will be able to make decisions a bit easier than I did... :)

1 comment:

Maggie DeVries said...

Loved it!