Thursday, May 29, 2014

I don't have a testimony.

I was raised by loving Christian parents in the suburbs. I accepted Jesus as my Savior when I was 6 years old. I went to summer church camp every year, I loved putting my quarter in the offering plate, and once I even wrote a letter to a neighbor friend telling her about Jesus.

I was fairly convinced I didn't have a testimony.

After all, as everyone knows, your testimony is when you tell a non-Christian what you were like before Jesus, how you met Jesus, and how your life has changed since then. At least, that's the impression I got.

And that may work for some people, but what if you're only six when you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and, because you've been trained in godliness for ever so long, things on the outside don't look that different. What then? And on top of it, what if you've never really had a rebellious spirit? What if, generally speaking, you've been faithful as long as you can remember?

Ah yes, what then.

Of course I could gush to non-Christians about how God has saved me and freed me from this sin or that thought process or those attitudes, but I don't quite think that's the end of it.

See, a testimony is when a witness shares their experiences. They don't tell their Life Story, they tell about their personal experiences related to the Question at Hand.

This week I've decided to change my personal definition of a Testimony. Maybe I don't have a 'traditionally' exciting testimony committing every sin Paul identifies and more, but I do have an exciting testimony. I've seen God come through countless times.

There was the time I lost my dorm key, and God continued to provide a way into the building (God provides).
There was the time I was still looking for a teaching job, mid September, and God provided the perfect opportunity for me (God is never too late).
There was the time I was struggling with resenting another person, and God brought me to the a passage in the Bible that challenged that attitude and helped restore the relationship (God cares; God knows; God transforms)
There was the time I only got four and a half hours of sleep (I don't know about you, but for me, is very little. I try to shoot for at least three more hours than that.), and God gave me stamina the next day at work, and kept me alert (God supplies all our needs).

And so on.

But do you know what else I realized? It's not just about telling non-Christians how God has revealed his character personally to you; we should also tell our Christian friends. What encouragement to hear how God is living and active in the lives of people you know!

So, yes, you do have a testimony. Maybe you have one about your initially being saved, but I certainly hope that wasn't the last time you saw God move in your life! Pray that God would open your eyes to how he is working.

And when you see it, tell someone.


Jo Anne said...

Thanks Nicole...your story could be the feature in Dec. issue of Christianity Today...God at work...always.

Nicole said...

Thanks, Jo Anne! I am learning more and more the importance of telling even Christian friends how God has been moving and working. Not only is it an encouragement, but verbalizing what God has done for and through and with me helps me not to forget so quickly.
Thanks for stopping by!