Thursday, December 11, 2008

Las Meninas

Another piece from Spain. Do you see a trend? Let me explain quickly, we are looking at some spainish artwork in my Spainsh 4 class and I decided it would be good to start with these. Anyway, this was painted in 1656 by Diego Velázquez. In this painting, the princess is the girl in the white dress(notice how the light shines on her? this painting was supposed to be a portrait of her), and the king and queen are relected in the mirror. The artist in the painting (Velázquez himself) is supposedly painting the king and queen, and we see the scene the same way King Philip IV and his wife Mariana would have. The perspective of this painting is very unique, especially to Velázquez's time. What do you think?


Noël De Vries said...

Now this one I like. :)

Nicole said...

Me too! Out of all the pictures we looked at in class, this was my favorite!