Thursday, December 04, 2008

Persistence of Time

The original name for this painting is la persistencia de la memoria , translated out of Spanish and into English it is persistence of time. It was painted by Salvador Dali in 1931. Personally, I believe it can be interpreted many ways. My preference is that time is no match for memory. That time may try and erase our good memories, but no matter how persistent it will lose. What do you think it means?


Noël De Vries said...

Dali has always freaked me out. He makes you THINK about his paintings, for heaven's sake. Any special reason you chose this one?

Nicole said...

Mainly because we looked at it in Spanish class (yes, Spanish class, not art...), and it was fresh on my mind...

I agree about the thinking. Its art. I'd prefer to not have to think and Dali does not really give you that option.

Noël De Vries said...

Now, Marie, you really prefer not to have to think? I wouldn't have thought it of you. The best art (plays, books, paintings, music) forces us to go deeper and realize more about the world--and ourselves--than we would have realized without it.