Yesterday I shared part of an interview, and I will share the rest of it tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!
And today I will share a few quick things on what I thought about this book.
- When I first saw 'Warriors in the Crossfire' I thought 'really? how many WWII books can be written??' But Nancy Bo Flood tells a part of the story I had never heard before- an old and (somewhat) familiar topic was new and different, told from the perspective of the natives on the island of Saipan.
-At the beginning of each chapter there is a poem. If you want an example, read the last part of yesterday's interview where Nancy Bo Flood shares some of them. They are a very creative way to title a chapter, I think.
-I loved the language... the voice. I am not quite sure how to explain this without an example, so here is a quick excerpt from page 50. The main character Joseph is talking about his sister:
"My mysterious sister was so much like our mother, quiet and shy. When she spoke, her words did not have hard edges like Japanese words. Her words were round, soft, slow."see what I mean?
-I like how Nancy Bo Flood explores point of view- how we may think we know a story (like WWII) until we hear it from another person. That is why it is always important to get more than one side of a story, so that you do not believe only a half truth.
Now, I will share another small portion of the interview. Enjoy!
Marie: What is your favorite genre to write, and why?
Nancy Bo Flood:
I truly like working on a variety of projects. Nonfiction mixed with poetry! A biologist and I are working on a book about fungi mixing prose and verse. Another nonfiction project is describing the “sleeping dragons” snoozing in the desert here in northern Arizona…or shall I call them sleeping volcanoes? I have challenged myself to write an early-chapter book that is funny but has substance. So far I’m not doing very well. A new young adult contemporary fiction is in process and at this stage it has poetry, narrative, and a sprinkle of magical realism.
Marie: In an average week, how much time do you spend working on your writing?
Nancy Bo Flood:
Working on writing is open to interpretation. When I am washing dishes I am thinking about my kids or friends or a problematic character in one of my books. Often some of my best creative thinking time is when I’m walking the mesa with my dog. But I do spend at least 4 or 5 hours a day – or during the night – writing.
Marie: Can you tell us anything about a current project you are working on?
Nancy Bo Flood:
Navajo Rodeo: Rider Up, Come to the Rodeo - I combine poetry and narration.
I am traveling to Friendship Center, the Peace Museum, in Hiroshima, Japan to do research for a sequel to WARRIORS IN THE CROSSFIRE in which Kento returns to Japan to find his family.
Marie: How did you get into fiction writing?
Nancy Bo Flood:
I love stories – I enjoy reading, listening to story-tellers, sharing stories. As a counselor I was truly amazed at the power of “telling one’s story” as part of every healing process. Children tell story through play; adults share story through reading, talking and listening. And writing.
Marie: Do you listen to music as you write? Why or why not?
Nancy Bo Flood:
I write in silence but during revision, I choose music that “fits” the emotion of what I am writing. The tempo, tone and rhythm are important – and no words.
Here is a list of the other bloggers participating in the tour (be sure to check them out!):
Whispers of Dawn
Cafe of Dreams
The Hungry Readers
My Own Little Corner of the World
Reading is My Superpower
5 Minutes for Books
Becky’s Book Reviews
My Utopia
Marie, Thank you for such a thoughtful interview. I hope those who read Warriors in the Crossfire - young readers or older ones - will see through Joseph's experience that the human heart is capable of tremendous courage, love and forgiveness. Nancy Bo Flood
Thank YOU for such wonderful answers! Thanks for letting us tour your book :)
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