Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Live Life on Purpose by Claude Hickman

This has been a slow reading month, but the few books I have read have been very good and very, very insightful.

A sentence on the back cover reads "There is only time in life for one purpose," and the book speaks to this all 206 pages. My copy is full of pencil marks, highlighting so much of the book I ought to have just underlined the whole book!

I will leave you with a few quotes:

"The reason God blessed them was not just for them. He had the end goal in mind, reaching all the nations with the message of salvation. The reason God blesses us is so that we may be a blessing to the nations" (52).

"Missions is not simply something the Bible speaks about; missions is what the Bible is about" (54).

"His [God's] desire is for a worldwide worshiping church"(56).

"The main way the unreached see the glory and character of God is through the character of His people" (84).

Quoting John Piper "Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church. Worship is" (96). (because worship will result in missions, missions doesn't necessarily result in worship. missions will end [when we die, and when the world ends], but worship never ends (97))

"More than 88% of the world's unreached peoples live in this area [the 10/40 window]" (125), "only 2.4% of all missionaries are located" in this window (125).

"Agreement does not equal obedience" (144).

"The reason there is a 10/40 window is Christians are busy doing great Christian things" (145).

Quoting an unknown speaker "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" (152).

From 'Christian legend' Leonard Ravenhill: "Are the things you are living for worth Christ dying for" (166)?

"If God's heart is for the world, that is a big enough reason to make it our heart" (169).

"God clarifies in the midst of obedience"(179).

"The scary thing is that if you choose to walk your own journey, God will allow it, even though you waste your life"(195).


hopeinbrazil said...

Those are great quotes. They remind me a little of Francis Chan's Crazy Love. I see you have that on your book shelf.

JHS said...

Some great quotes there.


Nicole said...

Hopeinbrazil, thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! Yes, I have heard many great things about Crazy Love, and I plan to read it this summer. What did you think of Crazy Love?

JHS., thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment, too! Honestly, my copy of that book has so many lines and stars and dog-ears it took me quite a while to narrow it down just to these quotes! The book is /filled/ with them!