Thursday, May 23, 2013

Boat Licenses

Based on a few laws and when I was born, I can legally drive motorboats. But, I cannot drive wave runners. And my sisters cannot legally drive either.
So, earlier this month, three of us traveled to a boat safety class. Rules of the Water, basically.

The morning of the class was cold. Very cold. Not normal May weather, cold. We couldn't find any travel mugs, so we put our early-morning tea in normal Christmas mugs and took them with us to the class. We got there just in time, but to sit together we had to sit in the sixth row.

The class was led by the deputy of the town, in the marina. Did I mention it was cold outside? It was also cold inside because the marina does not have air conditioning, or heat. I was thankful I'd last-minute grabbed my Olivet sweater (which says 'alumni, and which I may now 'officially' wear), and wishing I still had a blanket in the trunk of my car. My nose was cold to the touch within minutes. I wished for gloves. At least my teeth didn't start chattering until after we'd taken the test.

When all three of us were done with the test, and the deputy had signed our licenses, we ran to the car and blasted the heat. We drove back, and huddled together until we were finally warm again, hoping we'd get a lot of use out of these licenses.

So if you need to know how many times to toot your boat's whistle to tell another boat you're going to give way to the right, or you want to know which end of the boat you should detach from the dock, considering the current flow and wind direction, let me know -- and I'll consult the booklet we got at the class.

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