Saturday, October 22, 2011


Psalm 111 is an Acrostic poem, which means the first word of each line starts with the next letter of the alphabet.

And this morning I was in a poetry mood, so I wrote an Acrostic poem and decided to share it with you:

Almighty God
Blessed be your name.
Continually I seek you,
Determined to bring you praise.
Every morning I rise in worship
Fervantly bring my prayers before you.
God, make yourself known to m:
However long I must wait for you
I am willing
Just give me assurance of the answer to my prayer.
Keep me close to you,
Let me wander not far, or
Meander steadily away.
No, instead give me an
Passion to
Quiet my soul before you,
Rest in your presence,
Search your heart, and
Tediously work to live by your Spirit
Until the day I come home to you.
Victorious, God, your
Warriors are victorious over sin, in your Name.
eXpelling sin from their lives and working to bring
Your kingdom to Earth.
Zealous are we, for you.

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