I was super excited about this sequel to Rapunzel's Revenge, and I've got to say I am satisfied with it.
Calamity Jack, by Shannon and Dean Hale, and illustrated by Nathan Hale, (follow the links to visit their sites!!!) is a middle-grade graphic novel. The book begins before Rapunzel's Revenge, depicts a few highlights of the first book, and then from page 40- 144 the new adventure begins.
When Jack last left town, he was fleeing for his life because of what happened with the Giant Beanstalk. Now that he and 'Punzie' are back, the town is in horrible shape, and the giants are helping them battle off the giant beetles that continue to attack the towns. Will Jack, Rapunzel, and their new friend Freddie be able to figure out what is really going on and be able to stop it?
You'll have to read the book to find out!
visit these other blogs for more information about Calamity Jack:
Whispers of Dawn, Reading is my Superpower, Through the Looking Glass Book Review , Booking Mama, Cafe of Dreams, Becky’s Book Reviews, The Hungry Readers, The Friendly Book Book, My Own Little Corner of the World, Book Blather, GreenBeanTeenQueen, Book Crumbs , Abby (the) Librarian, Dolce Bellezza, Homeschoolbuzz.com, The Book Cellar, Carrie’s YA Bookshelf, Bookshelf Monstrosity, Everyday Reading, Frenetic Reader, KidzBookBuzz.com, Maw Books
I really enjoyed this book! It was my first read by the Hale's.
Hi Julie J., thanks for stopping by! I am glad you enjoyed this book, I hope you will read the others, too!
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