Friday, June 13, 2008
Media Fast
Poem of the week
When I ask you to listen to me
and you start giving me advice
you have not done waht I asked.
When I ask you to listen to me
and you begin to tell me why
I shouldn't feel that way,
you are trampling on my feelings.
When I ask you to listen to me
and you feel you have to do something
to solve my problem,
you have failed me,
strange as that may seem.
Listen! All I ask is that you listen.
Don't take or do,--Just hear me.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Wildwood Dancing
Wildwood Dancing is a retelling of the fairy tale 'The Twelve Dancing Princesses'. There are only five sisters in this version, but any more would end up being too complicated. Each sister has a completely different character than the other.
--Tati is busy being in love
--Jena is trying to get back everything that is rightfully hers
--Iulia is trying to grow up, maybe a little too fast
--Paula is the one who has responsibility thrust upon her when her elder sisters neglect their work
--Stella does not understand everything that is happening, and is a bit confused by it all.
The only thing that bugged me was that the story is set in
Prepare yourself for forbidden love, greedy cousins, magic enchantments, secret passages, and a loyal pet frog.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
The Penderwicks
Overall, this was a pleasure to read. There is always something going on, but it is not too much. Birdsall has a wonderful talent to bring enough adventure to keep the reader interested in a condensed amount of time, while still keeping everything believable.
Friday, June 06, 2008
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens
The second section in this book is titled Paradigms [pair-a-dimes]and principles. It is about statements and beliefs we have that are only half truths. These paradigms keep us from getting along with people. Usually, paradigms are not even true; they are assumptions.
This section also talks about what your life may be centered on, and how that effects how you live.
Here are two good quotes from the section:
If who I am is what I have and what I have is lost, then who am I?